How the Akashic Records can help you

This video captured my lecture on the Akashic Records at the Soul Light Expo. What an amazing experience! I am honored to be able to share the Akashic Records with all of the people who came to my presentation, bought my book, or had a discussion with me!

Would you like to:

💜 Be able to access the Akashic Records for yourself & for others.

💜 Receive insights from your soul for the right next step and make better decisions in all aspects of life.

💜 Communicate with your Records effectively and build a strong connection with your soul so that the information will come easier, quicker, and clearer.

💜 Deepen your intuitive abilities and skills.

💜 Build a solid foundation for your spiritual journey to move forward

☀️ Are you committed to do the work so that you can live the life you never thought possible?

☀️ If this is you, I would love to chat with you.  Set up a time for us to chat if we are meant to work together!