Happy Winter Solstice!

☀️☀️☀️ Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! ☀️☀️☀️

Winter Solstice has the shortest day and longest night.  It symbolizes the rebirth and return of the light with significant spiritual impact. In ancient wisdom, 3 days winter initiation starts on winter solstice followed by 12 holly nights.

If you desire, doing any kind of spiritual work in this period of time can be very beneficial to set the tone for the new beginning of next year.

This is the time period to shed the old habits and limiting beliefs to prepare us for the journey of becoming the next best version of ourselves.

I love doing meditation in my Akashic Records during this time. Setting intention to let go of whatever no longer serves me and to release whatever is holding me back always makes me feel deep inner peace.

When you meditate in your Akashic Records, you can also ask the Records to help you to integrate with the Cosmic energy wave for your best and highest good.

You can also ask your Records to share with you some insights that can help you to prepare and move forward for the New Year.

May you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to come!!!

With Love and Light,
