Akashic Records New Year Message

Message for the public audience

Surround you and others with love, compassion, tolerance and authenticity.

The world is presenting you with confusing and conflicting information. It is now more important than ever to stay grounded and centered, so you may hear your own truth.

Whatever modality comes your way that resonates with you, stick with it, practice and enhance your skills, so that they can help you to navigate the confusing world surrounding you.

Message for Jiayuh Chyan Akashic Records Certification Program Students

Don’t be afraid of what is coming up ahead of you either known or unknown.

Look within you, reach deep and you will find the power you seek.

It is not the power that most people mistakenly thought as the “show of force” or “the ability to change outcomes”.

Instead, it is the strength of a human being - to see clearly your own truth and stand by it.

For your authentic self may not be for others’ to agree nor accept. And the power is within you to stand by your own authentic truth.

The world tends to be filled with confusion as a result of the projection from other people’s thoughts or perceptions.

Part of each person’s divine mission during this era of time in history is to seek clarity in own truth and navigate through the confusion of the world.

While there are many tools you have acquired through various learning, remember that your own Akashic Records is one of the most valuable resources provided to you.

Continue putting efforts and working with your own Akashic Records will bring you one of the most direct and comprehensive support from your soul, your own inner wisdom.

Prepare yourself, not only for 2021 but for years ahead.

It is our hope, the Universal Akashic Records, that you will continue to have the courage and strength to step into the unknown and be a pioneer. You never know the significant impact on humanity from this seemingly simple act of yours.

We are always here by your side to support you. Though at times it may appear to you that you are walking this journey alone. This feeling of “being alone” is important for you to integrate all the knowledge you acquire before you can move forward again.

Be brave and do your work! We are with you.